Council Committees
The Council runs its business through five committees. Details of each Committee and Councillor membership on each are provided below.
Our Committees
Committees are responsible for different areas of Council business with different decision making powers. For more information on the roles of committees and how decisions are made please view the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.
The Planning Committee comments on all planning applications made in the parish. The Council doesn’t grant planning permission or make decisions itself. But it is a statutory consultee. This means that Cornwall Council, which is the Planning Authority and Licensing Authority are required to consult Town and Parish Councils and consider their views.
The Committee meets monthly. Applicants and members of the public can attend and register to speak.
Chair: Councillor Kenny Messenger
Vice-Chair: Councillor Paul Viney
The Community & Environment Committee has a very broad remit, considering issues which affect the local community (transport, environmental issues, civic and cultural matters, wider social policy, community and voluntary groups). In addition, it is responsible for open spaces, including Palemon Best and the Trowan allotment site and oversees Council services, including footpath cutting, street weeding and bench maintenance. View the Committee’s current work programme.
Chair: Councillor Sinead McNamee
Vice-Chair: Councillor Lisa Smith
The Facilities Committee is responsible for the Council’s buildings and property. This including ensuring they are well repaired and maintained and that fees and charges are levied for activities and events. Key responsibilities are the Guildhall, Library, Island Centre, the public conveniences and Market House. It also includes historic buildings and monuments. The Committee also oversees the management of the concert hall and programme of events. View the Committee’s current work programme.
Chair: Councillor Kirsty Arthur
Vice-Chair: Councillor Michael Evamy
The Finance & General Purposes Committee is responsible for financial matters, including the development of the annual budget and the policies and strategies which support the good governance of the Council: risk management, internal controls, audit. It also decides on the award of community grants. It is responsible for the management of the Council’s commercial property estate (leases, rents etc) and leads on corporate services issues including IT and procurement. View the Committee’s current work programme.
Chair: Councillor Tony Harris
Vice-Chair: Councillor Johnnie Wells
The Staffing Committee is responsible for all staffing matters. View the Committee’s current work programme.
These include:
- recruitment
- structure and review
- performance management
- terms and conditions of employment
- policy development
- health and safety matters
Chair: Councillor Steve Hynes
Vice-Chair: Councillor Tony Harris
The Devolution Panel is responsible for leading a programme of work to progress the devolution of services and community assets from Cornwall Council. It is not a decision making body and makes recommendations to Council or Finance and General Purposes as necessary.
Chair: Councillor Rachael Gaunt
Vice-Chair: Kirsty Arthur
St Ives has an adopted neighbourhood plan, led by a steering group of Town Councillors and community representatives. The groups is being re-convened in 2021 to scope a possible review of the plan, which is now 5 years old.
Chair: Councillor Andrew Mitchell
Vice-Chair: Councillor Ken Messenger