Due to the recent spike in COVID cases in St Ives, the Town Council has taken a decision not to hold physical meetings for the next month and to keep this under review. The aim is to reduce the number of physical meetings indoors. Under Government rules, Councils are no longer permitted to hold remote meetings as an alternative. For this reason, the Council will be introducing a temporary consultation system to considering planning applications, which will replace committee decision making as follows:
- All new consultations received from Cornwall Council will be advertised via the website and social media
- Members of the public will be given five days to comment on the applications
- Planning Committee members will also be consulted and community comments shared with them
- The Planning Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Town Clerk will consider all responses and prepare a response to be submitted to Cornwall Council.
Planning applications documents:
Week Commencing 9 August 2021 Planning application consultation list
Deadline for comments is Monday 16 August midday
Week commencing 12 July Planning application consultation list
Deadline for comments Monday 19 July midday
Week commencing 5 July 2021 Planning application consultation list
Questions or concerns? You can email the Council at Planning@StIves-tc.gov.uk