In the wake of many public questions and comments, the Council has taken the decision to comment to the planning status of the new café, Tides.
Please note: The Town Council is not the Planning Authority, which is Cornwall Council. It is, however, a statutory consultee to the process.
Tides (also called Sand, Sea & Surf and St Ives Gifts and Goodies) in Wharf Road is a grade II listed building and located in the conservation area. Two planning applications were registered on the 15th February 2024 as follows:
PA24/01066: Planning Application – Proposal for change of use of 2no retail units to form 1no cafe bar restaurant with alterations to the 2no frontages.
PA24/01067: Listed building consent for works to 2 no retail units to form 1 no cafe bar restaurant with alterations to the 2 no frontages
Given the number of objections, both applications were withdrawn on the 18th of April.
Instead, advice from Cornwall Council was sought for a more traditional design. The design can be viewed at the link below. This was generally supported by the Planning Authority in advice given on the 7th of June. Click on link below to see full application details and plans:
50 people commented on the change of use application, 24 objections and 26 in support. The Town Council also objected to the application on three grounds:
In terms of the listed building, works carried out by the owner without the benefit of planning consent already introduce poor quality design and frontage, which are not in keeping. The Council supports the Heritage Officer’s view that the proposed front windows and aluminium bifold doors are not informed by other historic shop fronts and do not follow the NDP character area policy.
The Council is of the view that the proposals are in conflict with the NDP policy LED3 and the aim to protect the balance of the high street and loss of retail units. In addition, the detailed designs are in conflict with policies BE1, BE2 and BE3 as they do not preserve nor enhance the distinctive streetscape and character of the harbour.
We understand that further discussions are on-going between the Heritage / Planning Authority at the applicant. However, since early June, there has been no planning application or listed building application registered by the Planning Authority and certainly no planning or listed building permission has been granted.
Instead, works have continued, and a shopfront built, which is different from the drawings submitted for the pre-application advice.
As far as we understand, the applicant does not have lawful planning or listed building consent for the works, which have been carried out and has chosen to open for business without them. In addition, whilst building regulations record that works have started, completion of the works has not been notified.
As with other projects, including the Carbis Bay Hotel, the Council strongly objects to anyone carrying out works without planning permission.
Councillor Ken Messenger, Chair of the Council’s Planning Committee states
“Many local people work really hard to follow the planning rules and apply to make changes to their businesses and homes through the proper channels. That others choose to ignore the rules, which everyone else must follow, is deeply concerning. This is especially true of buildings which are part of the historic fabric of our harbour and seafront. We call upon the applicant and the building owner to correct this as a matter of urgency.”