Have you ever considered becoming a Town Councillor?
If you’re over 18 and live or work in the parish then you are likely to be eligible. All kinds of people can become great councillors so don’t be put off if you think you’re too young or old or don’t have enough experience. Having people of different ages and from different backgrounds can lead to more informed decisions, based on their real life experience and ensures that the Council better reflects the community we serve.
It is a totally voluntary role but you will be rewarded by getting involved in a wide range of issues from parks to toilets from building projects to cultural events. The role of local councils (towns and parishes) is growing. They are being given more powers and can consider taking on more services from Council Council. You would be involved in making important decisions directly for the benefit of the community. These are exciting times!
Councillors are normally elected for a 4 year period and the next elections are in May 2025. But there are often vacancies if councillors step down during their term. Unless an election is called, these vacancies can be filled through an application process, called co-option. Details of any vacancies to be filled will be advertised widely.
Notices of Elections and Town Councillor Vacancies are posted in our news section – click here
If Co-option is necessary then the process below is followed
Register your interest to be notified by emailing enquiries@stives-tc.gov.uk