2025 Meeting Schedule
The council has 16 Councillors who carry out the decision making of the council. They do this through a series of regular meetings. The council and committee meetings follow the process set out in Standing Orders to ensure that everyone knows what is on the agenda and is able to hold an informed debate. Meetings deal with routine matters brought to Councillors for their attention, and also give the opportunity for individual Councillors to suggest their ideas and initiatives.
More information about meetings, agendas and if you would like to request to speak at one of these council meetings can be found at the bottom of this page.
13 Council
20 Planning Committee
25 Devolution & Place Shaping Panel
27 Facilities Committee
6 Finance & General Purposes Committee
20 Planning Committee
25 Staffing Committee
22 Devolution & Place Shaping Panel
24 Planning Committee
12 Annual Council
14 Annual Council Reconvened
Committee Membership
Community Organisations
Register of Interest
St Ives Town Council Meetings
The council has 16 Councillors who carry out the decision making of the council. They do this through a series of regular meetings. The council and committee meetings follow the process set out in Standing Orders to ensure that everyone knows what is on the agenda and is able to hold an informed debate. Meetings deal with routine matters brought to Councillors for their attention, and also give the opportunity for individual Councillors to suggest their ideas and initiatives.
The agenda for each meeting is published in advance – displayed as a notice at the Guildhall and available to download from our online schedule of meetings. Most meetings are held on Thursday evenings, commencing at 7.00pm but some can vary and so it is advisable to check in advance.
Meetings are open to the public, except for certain items where confidential matters are discussed. We welcome members of the public attending meetings of the Council and its committees. Please note that as meeting rooms are usually on the first floor, if you have any mobility issues, you are advised to contact us in advance if you wish to attend a meeting.
Minutes of meetings are published on the website after the meeting has been held. The minutes of each council or committee meeting are approved at the next meeting of the council or the relevant committee, and so the latest minutes posted on this site should be regarded as being in draft form.
Raising Issues
If you have an issue you would like the council to discuss your first step is to contact your local councillors or contact the Town Council team with what you’d like addressed.
Regular Meeting Procedure
When the agenda for a forthcoming meeting is available, a link to it will be posted on this page.
Once the meeting has been held, the draft Minutes will be published. Please note that Minutes are not approved (considered final) until the next scheduled meeting of the Council or of the relevant Committee, at which time they will be signed off by the relevant Chairman.
A list of the councillors on each committee is listed here Committee Membership.
Speaking at a Committee Meeting
You are able to speak at any Council/ Committee meeting for 3 minutes. To register to speak please call the reception on 01736 797840 at least 24 hours before a meeting. Or email enquiries@stives-tc.gov.uk at least 48 hours before the meeting.