The Council organises its work through a series of Committees. Each Committee is responsible for its own annual budget, setting out priorities and developing new projects. Priorities and projects for each Committee are linked to the delivery of the Council’s Strategic Plan and its ambitions, which are:
Ambitious for the future
We want St Ives’ communities to be a happy, healthy vibrant place where everyone can thrive. We will be forward thinking and innovative to achieve positive outcomes
Celebrating our history and culture
We value the rich history and culture which make the parish special. We will continue to celebrate, promote and invest in our unique heritage.
Championing St Ives
We will put St Ives’ communities at the heart of everything we do
Collaborative – working with others
We can achieve far more by working with others. We will work closely with other councils, the local community, voluntary groups, and businesses to develop common goals and get things done.
To achieve our ambitions, we have key priorities for action, set out in our Neighbourhood Development Plan and reflected in the work of the Committees:
Priority 1: delivering for the community
Priority 2: a greener cleaner St Ives
Priority 3: a sustainable local economy
Priority 4: investing in young people
Priority 5: an ambitious modern council
Each year the Committees review their annual work programme and measures its success against the Council’s ambitions and priorities. Often, projects take longer than a year to complete and so some annual plans roll forward actions and projects from previous years. A simple traffic light system shows how well the Council is performing.
View the 2024-25 Annual Work Programme for the Council
View the 2024-25 Annual Work Programme for the Community & Environment Committee
View the 2024-25 Annual Work Programme for the Facilities Committee
View the 2024-25 Annual Work Programme for the Finance and General Purposes Committee
View the 2024-25 Annual Work Programme for the Staffing Committee
View the 2024-25 Community Engagement Strategy and Action Plan